CSS :has() in Every Browser! 10 Uses
Discussion of practical examples and use cases unlocked by the CSS :has() selector being supported across all major browsers.
Discussion of practical examples and use cases unlocked by the CSS :has() selector being supported across all major browsers.
Covers using print CSS for various use cases like shipping labels and recipes. Explains how to load print CSS, use advanced features like CSS counters and @page rules, control page margins and numbering, debug print styles, and generate PDFs.
Scott and Wes discuss various performance issues encountered while rebuilding the Syntax site, including slow database queries, unnecessary data loading, and Open Graph image generation. They share the optimizations and tools used to diagnose bottlenecks and make improvements.
Scott and Wes explain all the terminology, services, and technical pieces that make up artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Discussion on the observer pattern, its use in game dev and JavaScript frameworks, differences from observables, and its relation to promises and streams.
Discussion on using ARIA roles and labels to make web apps more accessible, including legal requirements, providing context for UI elements, and testing tools.
Wes and Scott discuss CSS Layers - a new way to control cascading and specificity by defining layers of CSS.
This episode covers 5 interesting new CSS features including nth child microsyntax, CSS motion path, scroll snap, scroll driven animations, and margin trim.
Scott and Wes explain the stale while revalidate caching technique, when you would use it, and how it allows you to serve cached content while asynchronously generating fresh content.
Wes and Scott discuss JavaScript maps and sets - how they differ from arrays and objects, unique use cases, and when to reach for maps/sets over arrays/objects.